We are thrilled to announce that the Erasmus+ New European Bauhaus Label for VET (NEB VET Label) project has officially kicked off! On April 15-16, 2024, Odyssea proudly hosted the inaugural Kick-off Meeting, bringing together a dynamic partnership from Greece, Norway, Italy, Croatia, and Bulgaria.
The meeting took place in Odyssea’s vibrant facilities, providing an ideal setting for collaboration and innovation. Representatives from each partner country gathered to share their insights and experiences, laying the groundwork for an exciting journey ahead. Together, we explored how to effectively promote the core values of the New European Bauhaus—sustainability, inclusivity, and aesthetic appeal—within vocational education and training (VET) centers.
As we embark on this initiative, our collective aim is to create a robust framework for VET institutions to assess and enhance their practices in line with NEB principles. Through the NEB VET Label, we will provide valuable resources, best practices, and a supportive network, empowering VET centers to inspire their students and collaborators.
The Project is co-funded by the European Union.
Stay tuned for updates as we work together to foster a pan-European ecosystem that champions these transformative values in education and beyond!