The first activity is the mapping and desk analysis both of good NEB practices and existing best practices in VET regarding NEB values and working principals and HVL is the leader of the activity bringing its expertise in the field whereas all partners are contributing in the mapping activity.
Utilising the New European Bauhaus compass as a foundation and starting point we adjusted its values and working principles to create and implement a comprehensive and homogeneous framework first to assess VET centres and thus implement an accreditation process that will map the VET ecosystem according to the NEB principles. This assessment framework will help us map best practices across Europe, sharing of NEB best practices between VETs in Europe, and creation of a Pan-European network of NEB VET centres who are committed to promoting sustainable and inclusive education.
Moreover, the project promotes the internationalisation of VET providers by mapping best practices in green skills and NEB principles across different countries and sharing these core practices with VET providers in all implementation partner countries of Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, and Croatia. Last but not least, by creating a network of NEB VET ambassadors and organising an NEB competition for students, the project also encourages international cooperation and knowledge exchange among VET providers and VET students across different countries.
According to the quantitative indicators the project has to map at leat 40 VET centres according to the NEB.